
class OSGTEXT_EXPORT osgText::OutlineFont


Public Methods

[more] OutlineFont()
[more] OutlineFont(const OutlineFont& font, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more] OutlineFont(const std::string& font, int point_size, double precision)
[more] META_Font(osgText, OutlineFont)

Protected Methods

[more]virtual FTFont* createFontObj(void)

Inherited from VectorFont:

Public Methods

ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const

Protected Fields

odouble _precision

Inherited from Font:

Public Methods

obool open(const char* font)
obool open(const std::string& font)
ovirtual bool create(osg::State& state, int pointSize, unsigned int res = 72 )
ovirtual bool create(osg::State& state)
ovirtual void output(osg::State& state, const EncodedText* text) const
ovirtual bool isOk(void) const
ovirtual bool isCreated(void) const
ovirtual float getWidth(const EncodedText* text) const
ovirtual int getHeight() const
ovirtual int getDescender() const
ovirtual int getAscender() const
oint getPointSize(void) const
oint getTextureSize(void) const
oconst std::string& getFontName() const
ovoid copyAndInvalidate(Font &dest)
oFTFont* getFont(void)

Protected Fields

obool _init
obool _created
oFTFont* _font
ostd::string _fontName
oint _pointSize
oint _res
oint _textureSize

Protected Methods

ovirtual void clear()
obool init(const std::string& font)


o OutlineFont()

o OutlineFont(const OutlineFont& font, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

o OutlineFont(const std::string& font, int point_size, double precision)

o META_Font(osgText, OutlineFont)

ovirtual FTFont* createFontObj(void)

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